Author Archives: rod

Business Card That Says It All

I was at a networking meeting the other day. The guest speaker introduced herself by passing out her business card. Each side was different from the other. She held up one side to us to see, and said, “This is my passion.” It was colorful and showed the covers of three of her books that she has written. We were to learn later that these books are used by several major universities for literature classes.

Then she turned the card around for us to see the other side. She said that this was her business. It looked like a typical business card that began with the name of her business, “More Than Words.” It listed her contact information like any normal business card would do. Then she said, “My question to you is, how closely related is your passion to your business?” WOW! That question led me back to a time in my life not long ago where I asked that question to myself. I then decided that I would change the focus of my work to more closely reflect my passion and my gifts.

Not too long ago a friend told me that since I have made the change in my work life, he sees me with more energy and life. That really confirmed for me that the change I made was the right one. As a life coach I encourage people to understand their passion, then build their work around it. So, what about you? Do you have a passion for something, a cause, a course in life? How aligned with what you do for a living is this passion of yours?

Our speaker that day was Shirley Hall. She is a writer, poet, author and editor. You can find her at

Interview with Arthur Greeno, world record holder for fresh sqeezed lemonade

Arthur Greeno was a recent guest on the Business Builders Round Table. Author of the book,Dysfunctional Inspiration, he describes his family of origin as dysfunctional. It was revealed to him by a counselor during one of their sessions together. Arthur was able to turn it around after a very real spiritual awakening, where he could see alternatives for his life and the motivation to build a different life for himself.

He learned how he could use his drive to escape the past by using ingenuity and a large dose of unconventional actions. As a struggling college student he began working for a “quick service” restaurant called Chik-Fil-A. One thing impressed him the most about his employer: how well they treated their employees. He was eventually given a chance to take over a struggling franchise unit. Using the grit he took from his growing up years and the tools the Chik-Fil-A corporate office gave him, he turned the business around.

This is just part of the story Arthur tells during the broadcast to business builders everywhere. If you have not yet clicked on his interview, here is the link:

Be sure to listen for the finer points of what Greeno calls his REMARKABLE marketing events. I especially liked hearing about the Hamster Ball Relay.

We want to get your responses and perhaps some of your own take-aways from this latest interview of Business Builders Round Table. Where one good idea, just one, might make all the difference for you in your own business building experience.

Arthur Greeno, author of Dysfunctional Inspiration – Turning Lemons Into Lemonade!

Arthur Greeno is a survivor. He came from a dysfunctional family background. Those were words he first heard from his counselor. His life took a remarkable turn following a very real spiritual awakening, where he could see alternatives for his life and the motivation to take him there. He has learned to apply his survivor instinct to become the only two unit franchise owner for Chik-Fil-A. He has an instinct for what he calls REMARKABLE marketing events that have made him a local celebrity and public speaker. He has written one book so far entitled Dysfunctional Inspiration. Arthur Greeno has indeed turned lemons into lemonade – the largest fresh squeezed lemonade in history, as a matter of fact. And, be sure to listen for the finer points of Greeno’s brainstorm for the Hamster Ball Relay. Oh Yah!

Learn more about Arthur Greeno and his latest “dysfunctional” success at

Listen to the Podcast: